بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


In the Name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Qur-anic Conceptual Physics and Cosmology

Description: 71

معالم قرآنية في الفيزياء والكون



Introductin: Meanings of ground and Earth

Description: ANd9GcT_zFDAZbgwt3AutZDvZQhV2-yNYD0-m3CWQEshvIDz_v3HpyMG




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2 : Some astrophysical secrets hidden in God’s adjuration by the locations of stars

Locations of Stars; Chinese Translation


The work shows few of many great Astrophysical secrets hidden in the God’s adjuration by the locations and settings of the stars, God says: [Furthermore I swear by The setting of the Stars,-  And that is indeed A mighty adjuration If ye but knew,- That is indeed A Qur-an most honourable] (S. 56 A. 75-77). This is manifested through mentioning some of the physical complications encountered in the calculations of positions and distances to stars.

* لمزيد من التفاصيل الفيزيائية المتعلقة بقياس الأبعاد الكونية

* For Further readings, see

Distance measures


Cosmic distance ladder


Description: atomic Binding Energy Graph

3   Iron Inzal and Great Might IN HOLY QUR-AN

The article explores the Qur’anic Verse "And Anzalna Al-Hadid (Iron), in which is Great might, as well as many benefits for mankind".  The Verse directs attention to various facts, such as:  Iron accumulates in cores of high mass old stars.  The iron core collapses to form a degenerate neutron star.  Consequently, a shock wave moves through the in falling stellar material and completely disrupts the star.  The Verse also points to the production of chemical elements higher than iron, and to the extraction of iron from cores of old dieing stars.  Finally, iron and other elements are sent to form our solar system.  The number of the Surah exceeds by one the atomic mass number corresponding to maximum binding energy per nucleon; among all elements produced by nuclear fusion reactions in cores of massive stars.  This is an indication to the starting point for endothermic reactions.  The atomic number of iron exceeds the number of the Verse by one.   The difference “one” directs attention to the process of inverse beta decay.




Description: File:CMB Timeline75.jpg

4  Big Bang Linked to QUR-AN


5  Cosmological Inflation Linked to QUR-AN


6  Dark Energy Linked to QUR-AN



7  Dark Matter Linked to QUR-AN


8  Explosive Origin of Cosmic Voids Linked to QUR-AN




9  Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Linked to QUR-AN


10  Early Sound Waves Linked to QUR-AN


11 Dark sky; Olbers' Paradox


12 Hubble's Law Linked to some verses from QUR-AN

13  Observable Universe Linked to QUR-AN


14 Hidden Universe Linked to QUR-AN


 (وَإِذَا الأرْضُ مُدَّتْ)، وقوله تعالى (وَالأرْضَ مَدَدْنَاهَا)


15  Creation and Eventual Expectations of Earth According to Glorious QUR-AN


The article gives the physical implications in God’s description for earth’s creation: "And the Ardh (Earth) We have Madd it." (Surah No. 50 verse 7, Surah No. 15 verse 19), and the verse "And it is He (Allâh) who Madd the Ardh (Earth)." (Surah No. 13, verse 3).  Also it gives the implications in God’s description for earth’s situation on The Day of Judgment: "And When the Ardh (Earth) is Madd." (Surat AL-Inshiqaq No. 84, verse 3).  Earth will be Madd: Inflated; due to accretion, tidal interaction and heating.  Its surface area will be increased and smoothly curved.

16  Planetary Formation and Migration


17  Vision Ranges Linked to QUR-AN and Hadith (Needs Furthermore work)


18  Hearing Range and Prophecy of Mohammad


19  Comparison Between Solar and Lunar Years and Prophets

Determination of the Lunar Month


20  Fine-tuned Universe (Indeed, all things we created with predestination and [precise] determination).


21  Lightning Rapid Advancing Column and Return Streamers According to Prophet Mohammad Hadith


22 – Lightning Linked to Some Verses from Qur-an

(in preparation)


Extra Things

22  Tallest building and Prophecy of Mohammad


23  Smart Shoes and Prophecy of Mohammad




بعض أبحاث إخوة آخرين في المجال

SPEED OF LIGHT 12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day



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ونسأل اللّه سبحانه وتعالى أن يبارك في الجهود، وأن يجعلنا جميعاً ممّن ينال شرف خدمة القرآن الكريم.  وصلّى اللّهمّ وسلّم وبارك على أفضل الخلق رسولنا ونبيّنا محمّد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين.